Summer Issue, 2013

Reunions Geography Class of 1967 | 45th Anniversary November 2012 Reunion trip to North Guangdong The trip recounted the footsteps of ancient migrants who endured the treacherous trek through the mountain gorges of North Guangdong from Jiangxi into Nanxiong. With only 18 graduates of the Class, the trip was joined by 20 classmates and spouse, a proud display of cohesiveness and comradeship. An anecdote from Pong Ping-kwun 龐炳坤 (BA 1967; DipManStud 1972): 記1967年港大地理系 畢業四十五週年 同學廣州韶關重聚旅行有感 紅磡直通五羊城, Ping Pong 站內早相迎。 乍見當年同窗友, 朱顏雖改未忘名。 四十五年浮光影, 匆匆流逝少年情。 相偕暢談昔日事, 大嶼山上昂坪營。 十年人事幾番新, 半世重逢幻似真。 天河廣廈矗天立, 珠江璀璨更迷人。 梅關古道勝跡多, 狹徑蜿蜒強登坡。 臨崖遠眺江西境, 時空交錯恨蹉跎! 曹溪名 刹 南華寺, 古木參天鬱青蔥。 寂禪難阻進香客, 樓臺今換煙花容。 English version translated by Vivien Yiu 姚慧芸 (BA 1967; CertEd 1972; MSocSc 1983) Arriving at the City of Five Rams direct from the Hunghom Railway Station Are friends whom I, Ping Pong, await anxiously to greet and welcome. At the rst sight of my classmates, I come to notice changes in their features yet forgetting not their names. Like ashes and oating shadows, forty- ve years have elapsed since our graduation. Memoirs and joys of our youth fade out with the passage of time. Now we can freely exchange the recollection of deeds and events at happened when we once camped at Ngong Ping on Lantau. Changes and happenings we experienced are many and varied in the decade passed. is reunion of ours halfway in our life is very much like a dream but yet so real and true. Guangzhou is now decked by tall skyscrapers standing aloft and upright, Whilst the Pearl River looks exceptionally resplendent and dazzling at night. e age-old path of Meiguan is not lack of historical sites. e narrow but meandering walk winds its way up the lofty slope. Behold! At the mountain pass, a panoramic view of Jiangxi Province is in our full command. It is at this moment that I truly regret my letting time slip away at the crisscross of space and universe. At Caoxi, the well-known Nanhua Monastery stands. Towering verdant grove of fully-grown trees reaches high into the sky. Quietude and sancti cation of the Monastery can, in no way, deter the pilgrimage of the worshippers, Who enliven terraces and pavilions with incense and candle lights. 84 ~ · ~ ~ · ~ ~ · ~ ~ · ~