Convocation Newsletter, Summer 2018

34 130 Years of Medicine in Hong Kong From the College of Medicine for Chinese to the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine By Frank Ching A scholarly and historically informed account of the evolution of the Faculty, chronicling its origins and development over the years, as well as its countless contributions to advances in modern medical and health sciences local and abroad. Western Medicine for Chinese How the Hong Kong College of Medicine Achieved a Breakthrough By Faith Ho This book chronicles the rapid development of the medical school from the late 19 th century to the early years of the 20 th century. 《大醫精誠》 梁卓偉 著 本書為紀念醫學院成立130周年而作,記錄了醫學院前身、香 港華人西醫書院的初創,至香港大學醫學院成立初期的艱辛 及其後穩步發展,還包括百多年來與醫學院以至整個社會息 息相關、緊密相連的一眾「大醫」及醫院介紹,更有十八位 名家撰文,闡述他們與醫學院的緣份。 Big Shots Two photo journals: “World of Doctors”, chronicling the human side of medicine through the portrayal and portraiture of its multifaceted practitioners by Ducky Tse; and “Doctors’ World”, a collection of photographic works by MBBS alumni that reveal how they see the world and the things that inspire them. SUMMER 2018