Convocation Newsletter, Summer 2018

Ru Chien and Helen Lieh Professorship in Health Sciences Pedagogy Incumbent: Ivan F N Hung Both my parents were inspired and inspiring teachers. ey were always mindful of the dictum that to teach is to touch a life forever. I hope this Endowed Professorship will serve as a beacon to all the teachers in the Faculty. Professor Felice Lieh-Mak Warren Chan Professorship in Human Rights and Responsibilities Incumbent: Fu Hualing Human rights are important, and human responsibilities are equally important. Ask not just what your rights are, but also what your responsibilities are, to yourself, to others and to the environment. Every society will have to strike its own balance of such rights and responsibilities. Mr Warren Chan Karen Lo Eugene Chuang Professorship in Diversity and Equity Incumbent: Terry K F Au e urgency of achieving diversity and equity in the integrated world of today could not be more pressing. We look forward to embracing a more empathetic world and hope the Professorship can contribute to that realisation soon. Ms Karen Lo and Mr Eugene Chuang Kerry Group Professorship in Globalisation History Incumbent: Xu Guoqi It is our great hope that this Endowed Professorship in Globalisation History will contribute to the deeper understanding of modern China in the context of international and transnational history. We believe that through learning from the shared history between China and the West, from ancient times to the present day, the well-being of people across the globe can be enhanced. Kerry Group