Convocation Newsletter, Summer 2019
Convocation Newsletter ( 香港大學畢業生議會通訊 ) is a university magazine for alumni, teachers and friends. ADVISORY COMMITTEE Professor Lee Chack-fan 李焯芬 (BSc(Eng) 1968; MSc(Eng) 1970) Professor Cheng Kai-ming 程介明 (BSc 1966; BSc(Sp) 1967; CertEd 1981; AdvDipEd 1982; MEd 1983) Professor Ying Chan 陳婉瑩 (BSocSc 1970) Mr Andrew Fung 馮可強 (BA 1969; DipEd 1972) Dr Lawrence Fung 馮紹波 (BSocSc 1972; Hon DSocSc 2010) Mr Man Cheuk-fei 文灼非 (BA 1987) Mr Poon Kai-tik 潘啟迪 (BA 1975) MANAGING EDITOR Director Development & Alumni Affairs Office PUBLISHED BY Development & Alumni Affairs Office The University of Hong Kong Views expressed in the Newsletter do not necessarily represent those of the University or HKU Convocation. Please acknowledge source when any part of the Newsletter is quoted or reproduced. We welcome your articles, letters, updates and news. For pictures, we welcome prints, colour slides or computer graphics in JPG format (350 dpi and 15cm x 10cm), and digital photos (500 kb or above). All correspondence and address changes should be directed to: Managing Editor Convocation Newsletter Development & Alumni Affairs Office The University of Hong Kong Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong Tel: 3917 1700; Fax: 2517 6351 Go online to update your contact details or opt to receive only the e-copy of the Convocation Newsletter 100HKU hkudaao Convocation Newsletter e-version ALUMNI 31 viva la unity St. John’s College’s refurbished Common Room celebrates its history 28 Convocation Standing Committee elected at Ordinary General Meeting 30 Art Inspires The HKU Fine Arts Alumni Association gets off to an active start 32 Across the Mainland Making connections from Chengdu to Shanghai 34 Connecting the Dots, Touching Lives Mapping out HKU Mentorship (Overseas) 36 Love @ HKU
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