Fireside Chat with Dr Billy Hau 侯智恒博士
Into the Lion’s Den: Ecological Education in the Wilderness 深入虎穴的生態教育
Sharing by Dr Hau’s former students: Dr Sung Yik-Hei (宋亦希博士), Research Assistant Professor of School of Biological Sciences; Dr Xoni Ma Kwan-Ki (馬昀祺博士), Founder of Outdoor Wildlife Learning Hong Kong
Date: 15th November, 2018 (Thursday)
Time: 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Venue: HKU Foundation Chamber, Hung Hing Ying Building, HKU
Speaker: Dr Billy Hau (侯智恒博士) (BSc 1991; MSc 1995; PhD 2000)
Programme Director of MSc in Environmental Management
Conducted in Cantonese
Dr Billy Hau is a Principal Lecturer at the Division of Ecology and Biodiversity of the School of Biological Sciences, HKU. As a terrestrial ecologist and conservationist, he has made it his goal to cultivate new generations of dedicated, professional and pragmatic young conservationists for Hong Kong and the world. He believes the key is to nurture young students’ love of nature by providing them with immersive experiential learning opportunities in global biodiversity hotspots.
Curated and led by Dr Billy Hau, the HKU Foundation and the Faculty of Science will co-present an East-Africa Wildlife Eco-tour in July 2019. At this fireside chat, he and his former students will share their ecological teaching and learning experiences, and will also give a preview of this trip which is open to Foundation members and alumni!
侯智恒博士是港大生物科學學院 生態學及生物多樣性分部的首席講師。作為陸地生態學家,他致力提倡保育,希望為香港及世界培育更多年輕一代成為有承擔及專業的保育者。他相信關鍵是培養學生對大自然的熱愛,所以他會親自帶領學生到訪不同國家進行生態考察,實地了解生物的多樣性,讓他們從經驗中學習。