Oct 6 (Wed) | 6pm
Guest : Albert Wong 黃卓徽 (BBA 2003)
Host : Perkins Cheung 張柏軒 (BEcon&Fin 2021)
工商管理系畢業的 Albert Wong,除了開創了自己的資產管理公司,還經營家族生意,代理林寶堅尼及其他品牌超級跑車等。
他指每個家族總要有一個人懂得投資的學問,因此他選擇了工商管理,並主修金融。在港大的三年,他參加了多次辯論和唱歌比賽,更曾在港大 90 週年的 GALA 晚宴表演。雖然他喜歡唱歌,亦曾獲得唱片公司的試音邀請,但他坦言喜愛的事情未必一定要成為自己的職業,而他對自己有要求很高,做事要達到專業水平。
扛起家族生意的擔子時難免會遇上困難,人事關係是其中之一。Albert 憑著自己畢業後打工獲得的經驗,了解到溝通能讓員工理解他的領導方針。 他指因為市場不斷轉變,作為公司的領導人,絕不能故步自封,必須要洞悉先機,決定未來的計劃。最後Albert勉勵畢業生不要怕吃虧,上司定會看見你的努力。
Graduated from BBA, Albert Wong has started his own asset management company and also runs the family business, a dealership of Lamborghini and other supercars.
He believes that formal knowledge in investment is critical to help his family, hence he decided to major in finance. During his years at HKU, he participated in debate and singing competitions, and performed at the university’s 90th-anniversary GALA dinner. Although he enjoyed singing and was invited to audition by a record company, he did not want to mix hobby with profession. He set high standards for himself and would not work as amateur.
Managing relationship with staff is one of the challenges of taking on a family business. Albert learned from his working experience that effective communication helps employees understand his plans. As the market is constantly changing, Albert pointed out that a leader of a company should look into the future, and be forward-looking in strategy planning. Albert also encouraged the graduates not to shy away from taking on additional responsibilities, after all the boss will be able to see their efforts and contributions.