Oct 20 (Wed) | 6pm
Guest : Raymond Mak 麥嘉晉 (BA 2005; MBA 2017)
Host : Anita Lee 李昕君 (BSocSc 2017; MSocSc 2021)
香港大學讓 Raymond 發揮所長,他亦不知不覺從一個大學生成長為一位為社區帶來改變的創業家。熱衷學生活動的他是利瑪竇堂堂友,曾是體育聯會幹事,更是學生會主席。上莊教會了他責任感,儘管在過程中犯過不少錯,他仍不斷嘗試,重新重來。
畢業後,文學士出身的 Raymond 選擇到西藏旅遊,回港後,幸有國際諮詢公司工作給予他機會從管理顧問做起。這份工作讓他接觸到不同行業,增進了商業知識。港大一百週年回校分享,與久違的師兄姐弟妹和教授對話,激發了他對未來的想法。他希望為社會和社區作出貢獻,湊巧在工商管理碩士課程中遇上有相近理念的合夥人,因而發展到從事農業。
萬事起頭難,Raymond 從未接觸過農業,唯有不斷學習,吸收足夠的知識,才可以製作出受顧客信賴的產品。他直言,其實生意近半年才快速發展,開始的兩三年亦透過不斷嘗試才有收成。他鼓勵港大同學該與來自不同環境、不同學科、不同文化的人接觸,多作嘗試,開拓無限可能。
Raymond shared how his journey from Arts to Agriculture was the accumulative of numerous – and sometimes unexpected – steps.
He explained that he was able to use everything he learnt during his undergraduate years at HKU to help him become an entrepreneur, recalling that as a committee member of the Sports Association and President of the Students’ Union, the mistakes he made pushed him to keep trying and experimenting.
After graduation, Raymond’s first job was a management consultant, which exposed him to different industries and enhanced his business knowledge.
Finding inspiration in surprising places and talking to people he would not usually connect with are what led Raymond to his next step. During his MBA programme, he had an idea about how to give back to society and connected with like-minded classmates. This led to Raymond changing his career to agriculture.
This new journey into agriculture began with baby steps and, as Raymond stressed, lots of learning and studying. The first two or three years were tough, but he was finally confident he could produce products that customers liked. Raymond pointed out his business has only developed rapidly in the past six months. A success, but not an overnight one.
He gave his best advice to fellow alumni and students of exploring all options with people from different backgrounds, disciplines and cultures. Only then can you know what possibilities are out there.